
Webtools by hotbar
Webtools by hotbar


Winfire - The Winfire Browser Assistant is a standalone application that fits into the Windows "Start" bar.Unlike existing forms of Web communication (e-mail, chat, or message boards) and Web sites with read-only content, Third Voice empowers users to form inline discussions that weave together their opinions with existing content. Third Voice - Third Voice is a free browser companion service that allows users to express thoughts and opinions through inline notes on any Web page.- TerraSpan is a specialist in Multi-Lingual Website Management - the process of technically and culturally translating a Website into one or multiple languages and keeping it current with the original Website.- A free personal audio and video communications service for e-mail, greeting cards and discussion groups the service utilizes GEO's Emblaze technology gives Web consumers the ability to create their own streaming audio and video messages to online communities, discussion group participants and Web surfers.Here you will find free polls, forums, guestbooks, ffa links, and a "Recommend this site" feature. - A helpful service that offers a number of free features that you can add to your site to obtain instant feedback from your sites visitors.Peppy's Pointe - Organize and personalize your Internet experience in the first graphical bookmarking service.Send files or URLs with Odigo, and one click on the email tab opens your email client. Shows you who's surfing on the same site as you - or on any other website - at this very moment. Odigo - A web surfing, chat and messaging tool.


  • - A "Web desktop" which allows users to run different applications inside their Web browser such as e-mails, messages, Web bookmarks, virtual hard drive to store files, plus other applications.
  • - A premier directory of high quality, useful and current resources and tools for Webmasters.
  • webtools by hotbar webtools by hotbar

    Hundreds of modifiable pre-configured Flare scenes, objects, effects and animations are ready-to-use to create custom Animated Macromedia's Flash (swf) files. iMEDIA Builders - Offers FlareProducts, a family of products designed to make the creation of simple and original Web-based animation and interactivity easy and affordable.At the same time, it retain the familiar interface and standard functionality allows users to add "skins" that quickly and easily customize the appearance of the Web browser. - 's plug-in, based on Microsoft's ActiveX open architecture programming technology, makes the browser more visually appealing and adds feature not found on any other Internet browser.

    webtools by hotbar


    Users can create a spreadsheet, work on it and save it online without having to download or install anything.

  • - has introduced BrainMatter, a fully featured online spreadsheet that it says has the same basic features and functions as Microsoft Excel.

  • Flashbase - A free database service on the Web the service enables businesses and consumers to collect, manage and publish information using only their Web browser create directories, subscription applications, registration forms, order forms, surveys, polls and RVSPs for events and parties.
  • - The first Internet desktop - a free Internet service that allows users to quickly and easily create their own desktop online for integrating their favorite sites, services, and files.
  • CometZone - A site that provides homesteaders with free tools to transform the arrow cursor on their Websites into any custom image found in the CometZone content library.

  • Callwave - Callwave's Internet Answering Machine is a free service that allows Internet users to hear who's calling while they are online download and install the free software instead of getting a busy signal, your callers can leave a message that you hear over your computer speakers.

  • Webtools by hotbar